Alternative Low Carbon Fuels Project

​St. Marys Cement’s​ Bowmanville Cement Plant, Applications Submitted for Regular Use of Low-Carbon Alternative Fuel.

​​​St Marys Cement has submitted Environmental Compliance Approval applications (waste and air) to the Ministry of the Environment for the use and operation of a thermal treatment site in order to use up to 100 tonnes per day of non-hazardous wood waste (woody biomass) as low carbon alternative fuel at its Bowmanville cement plant.

​​The project will involve the installation of an alternative fuel building and equipment to provide fuel to the existing cement operations. Use of this alternative fuel will reduce reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels, has the potential to reduce certain emissions such as sulphur dioxide and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

​​The total amount of alternative fuel stored at the site will not exceed 500 tonnes at any time. The proposed footprint of the alternative fuel building is 0.09 hectares (30 by 30 metres). The hours of operations will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

​The primary documents related to these applications are as follows:

  1. The Design and Operations Report
  2. The Air Summary Report
  3. The Record of Consultation
  4. ​Acoustic Assessment Report


The Ministry of the Environment posted notices regarding these submissions to the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry, EBR Registry Number 012-2209 and 012-2208, for public review and comment period.  Public comments regarding the applications were submitted to the Ministry.​